4123 24th Ave
Moline, IL 61265

Why our customers choose Hughes

We work hard to build relationships and make these testimonials possible.

"Hughes Telephone has always provided us with prompt, knowledgeable service with a personal touch.
Thank you Hughes!"
-Chris Wagler
"I replaced my old system with HughesFLEX and got better service for less money. There were also features that my old service couldn’t do. What my old service provider said couldn’t be done, Hughes got it done. Since then the other firm that I share space with has switched to Hughes allowing us to connect our phone systems to intercom each other and our respective staff members. I have been a Hughes customer for approximately 3 years. "
-Keys Law Offices P.C.
"We have enjoyed working with Hughes. They are friendly when we reach out to them and are quick to resolve our issues. We are happy to have a trusting relationship with Hughes!"
-Stone Ridge Medical
"They have saved us time with dropped calls from the traditional phone line and it is a much clearer call. They were great to work with! Did most of the set up off site and then when it was time to move everything over it was just a second down and then the new system was up and working. Made it much easier to move to remote working during the time of COVID! If we have questions or issues they are very quick to get an answer and help over the phone and very fast at coming in for a service call. I would recommend them to any one looking to switch from your traditional landline to an internet line. They are very easy to work with and are very will to work with you and for you."
-Royale International
"Cortny was of great assistance helping us to switch telephone service. Was always available to stop by and help us work through any issues we encountered along the way."
-Allmakes Office Furniture
"As a local community foundation, The Moline Foundation is sensitive to the operational costs incurred by our organization. HughesFLEX significantly reduced our phone costs by 45- 50% from our former supplier. The technology received through the transition to HughesFLEX was a value-added advantage over our previous configuration. The new phone features have allowed staff to receive calls directly and return them from their remote locations when not in the office. This aspect increased its benefit during the most recent COVID pandemic. Hughesflex happily adjusted our services to meet our needs in a timely manner.
The Moline Foundation knows we can count on Cortny and Hughes Flex for professional and immediate attention when it is required.
-The Moline Foundation
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